Added Membership Benefits
PI Proof of Insurance certificates are available for members in good standing on the e-Portal
The SAIAT PII Scheme is offered as an added benefit to SAIAT Membership and is designed to cover the individual (the Member). If for contractual reasons the name of a practice needs to appear on the Certificate, please request so from dale@vknfs.co.za
SAIAT Members can at any time opt to be part of the Scheme or leave the Scheme by updating their Membership details and select the correct option in the form.
The Scheme covers the individual for claims, retro-active from 01 July 2005, to a maximum of R 2 000 000.00 (see below for top-up)
It should be noted that the SAIAT Policy is a member policy, covering members who are registered in accordance with Section 19 of the Architectural Professions Act, 2000, with SACAP and SAIAT.
The policy provisions extend to employees working under a member, provided they are employed by the member under a contract of employment or apprenticeship and work under the member’s direct supervision. For further clarification, please refer to Clause 10 “Employee” under the "Definitions" section of the policy. A copy of the policy is attached for your reference.
Therefore, any loss or damage resulting from an employee’s work would be covered under the policy, provided that the work is done under the strict supervision of the member. However, no separate or independent coverage is afforded to the employee.
To submit a claim, the Members needs to provide proof of the following:
A professional-client agreement that covers all aspects as per the SACAP Code of Conduct;
Proof that a risk assessment was done prior to entering into a professional-client agreement
SAIAT reserves the right as the owner of the policy to have insight into claims and to advise the insurer about the validity of any claim regarding the above.
SAIAT Assetsure insurance scheme was developed by VKNFS Financial Services exclusive for those that enjoy SAIAT Membership.
It provides cover for the following:
• Office Contents (Fire Perils)
• Theft of Office Contents
• Business Interruption
• Accidental Damage
• Public Liability
• Electronic Equipment, including Laptops
• Comprehensive Motor (business use)
• Additional Items (like cellphones) on request
at a premium less than anything that the market can offer the individual.
Your claims history and risk profile are not taken into account in calculating your premium. Premiums and cover are based on turnover, starting with an annual minimum of R 500 000.00
Click on the button above for an instant online quote or contact:
Dale Stone
E-mail: dale@vknfs.co.za
Cell: 076 594 8380

Please contact VKNFS direct to arrange for the top-up cover under the scheme. If the need is for more, top-up can be arranged outside the scheme.
Dale Stone
E-mail: dale@vknfs.co.za
Cell: 076 594 8380
You may also arrange top-up cover (outside the scheme) by contacting your own insurance broker.
Remember that you can also get PII for a specific project if you need additional cover just to cover a specific project.
Talk to your insurance broker for more details.