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073 184 3893
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CPD means a “purposeful statutory process whereby architectural professionals, through personal commitment, engage in a range of learning activities to maintain and improve their knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional integrity to keep up to date with new science, innovation, legislation and build environment developments; to enable them to practice safely, ethically, competently, and legally within their evolving scope of practice; and to provide quality service to the South African community.”
The purpose of CPD is to promote and maintain professional standards of excellence, and ensure that the practice of architecture remains up to date and relevant to the constantly changing technology and legislation in the built environment.
CPD promotes life-long learning as well as safe, ethical, competent and evidence-based practice; and also provides opportunities for professionals to pursue and achieve professional growth throughout their careers.
CPD strengthens the accountability of practitioners to themselves, their profession, their employer, their clients, and communities; to promote sustainable architecture, protect the Public interest, and deliver quality service to the South African community.